Anal plugs

The anal plug is a sex toy for people who decide to experience new sensations, such as anal sex. It can be used in company, although it can also be used to stimulate the area alone.

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Anal plug

The anal plug is a sex toy for people who decide to experience new sensations, such as anal sex. It can be used in company, although it can also be used to stimulate the area alone. 

If you don't know how this toy works very well, we are going to give you all the keys you need to use it properly. Thus, you can learn how to use this small but great ally whenever and wherever you want. 

We are talking about a device that is safely inserted into the rectum and is very easy to use. Now you will discover why.

What is an anal plug?

As we said, the anal plug is a device for people who want to enjoy sex in a different way. With it you can play with your partner or stimulate yourself when you are alone. 

It is one of the smallest and most discreet sex toys that is composed of a kind of ring at the end of it to be able to manipulate it and so that it does not get stuck inside the body.

It is not only used by women, but men can also benefit from its features. It should not be confused with a dildo or vibrator because the butt plug is smaller and the narrow tip has a specific shape to facilitate penetration. In this way, we can slide it little by little until we reach its widest part. With this we get the anus to relax, so that we do not feel pain during penetration. 

As we were saying, the design of the butt plug, which consists of a ring at the base, prevents the toy from staying inside the rectum without being able to remove it. In addition, it offers endless possibilities, as you can find a wide range of colours, materials, textures and sizes on the market. 

If this is the first time you try an anal plug, we recommend that you start with a small one, about 4 cm in diameter. That way you will lose your fear and you can increase the size at your convenience to explore new sensations. 

We will now tell you how it works and how to use it. Of course, the device is not inserted all at once and has a very thin tip that makes it easy to penetrate. In this way, the anus will gradually dilate. 

You can find very small toys, with a diameter of up to 4 cm, but you can also find longer and thicker designs. It all depends on the level of excitement you want to experience. Of course, it is very important to have the help of a water-based lubricant to enjoy the moment and make it more pleasurable.

How to use an anal plug?

The butt plug is perfect to get started with anal sex. If you know what anal dildos are like, we can tell you that this device is much more discreet and smaller. In addition, it has a ring or a plug at the end of the plug so that you can manipulate it freely and avoid getting it stuck in your anus. 

What this device does is to slowly dilate the anus through a very gentle penetration. In this way we allow the plug to be introduced inside, making the anus dilate and widen in order to obtain the desired pleasure. 

If you are not sure how to use an anal plug, here we are going to give you the steps to follow to do it in a comfortable, simple and effective way: 

  • It is important to remember that before using it, you have to wash your butt plug with warm water and neutral soap. 

  • The first thing to do is to stimulate the anus to relax as much as possible. This area does not lubricate by itself, so it is necessary to use a water-based lubricant at this point. This will make the process easier and much more pleasurable. 

  • Once you have aroused and lubricated the area, start by inserting the tip of your plug and then move on to the rest of the device. Do it very slowly so you don't feel pain and you can enjoy yourself while you do it. 

  • Whether you decide to do it by yourself or with your partner, make gentle movements inside the anus to access the pleasurable properties of this toy. 

Basically, this would be the process to follow. Now, you can use different types of plugs depending on your preferences, as is the case of the anal plug with vibrator that offers more satisfying sensations, although this is not the only design that you can access. We will talk about them later on. 

Once you have finished using the butt plug, we recommend you wash it again with warm water and neutral soap to keep it in its corresponding case. That way you will have sanitized it and you can use it again with all the guarantees. 

If you have never used an anal plug before and you barely have experience in anal sex, it is preferable that you use this device as a couple or with a person with whom you have confidence. That way you will enjoy it much more. 

In addition, as a tip we will tell you that it is better not to share your toy with sporadic people in order to avoid sexually transmitted diseases, and if you do, try to use a condom. The butt plug is also not recommended in the case of different conditions such as anal fissures, haemorrhoids or any type of prostate alteration. 

If you are a bit afraid of using a butt plug for the first time, you should know that you should not feel pain. It may be a little uncomfortable at first, but by inserting it gently and using more lubricant, that discomfort will cease to exist and will be replaced by pleasure. 

For the more adventurous ones who want to try the larger models, if it's your first experiences, small anal plugs are advisable. Keep in mind that dilation of the anus is not done in a moment, it takes some time and you will have to get used to it through caresses or previous stimulation. We are talking about a muscle that remains contracted and the only reason it opens is to expel waste substances from the body.

Anal plugs for men and women - what's the difference?

Whether you are a man or a woman, stimulating the anus is pleasurable and is the ideal way to successfully complete genital stimulation.

The anal plug is perfect for beginners to the practice of anal sex. If you want to explore other areas of stimulation in your body, we advise you to go for this sex toy that has the shape of a drop of water. 

As we said, you don't have to be afraid of anything. The tip is very narrow so you can insert it easily and it will widen through its rounded edges. Thanks to this design you will be able to insert it completely and its base located on the outside will allow you to remove it comfortably. 

The main idea is that you can prepare the area, although it is possible to enjoy this sex toy alone to enjoy the pleasure it provides on its own. The anal plug for men or women provides different forms of pleasure. 

In fact, the anal plug with vibrator, for example, in the case of women, involves stimulation of the area below the A-spot. This area is located inside the vagina and allows orgasm to be reached quickly, even leading to female ejaculation. 

Although some anal plug models are unisex, others are specific: 

  • The anal plug for men has a curved shape and is designed to stimulate the prostate area. This area is located next to the anus and serves to stimulate the G-spot in men. 

  • In the case of female designs we can find some variants. The anal plug with a tail, for example, is perfect to dress up naughtily and surprise your partner.

Buy a butt plug at Zensual

At Zensual you can choose your anal plug depending on several different aspects. In fact, we have anal plugs with a tail for you to try new sensations that will really make you vibrate. 

Depending on your experience or preferences, you can choose between smaller or larger sizes. There is also the possibility of accessing complete kits that come with plugs of different sizes in order to be able to experiment with total freedom and at your own pace. 

In our catalogue you will also discover different butt plugs made of different materials. Basically, you will find them made of metal or silicone. The first ones will initiate you in anal sex effectively and will also help you to experience new sensations due to the cold contrast that metal gives. For beginners, we recommend silicone anal plugs as they are softer and more flexible. 

Take a look at our website and check out all our designs. The fox tail anal plug is inspired by the aesthetics of manga and serves for pleasure and more fun. You also have vibrating anal plugs, whose vibrations of greater or lesser intensity will stimulate the area even more. 

If you have any doubts, contact our team, who will be happy to advise you. Once you have chosen your favourite design, you will receive it within a few days. Our packages are sent with the utmost discretion, so that no one can know what's inside. That way we protect your privacy.

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