How to be more seductive to a man
Physical attraction is an essential first step in winning a man over. There is often a tendency to believe that physical attraction is simply based on the body you have, that it is purely a matter of genes. The reality is that it is something you can work on if you know how to be more seductive to a man.
Want to know how to be a sensual and seductive woman, know how to be more seductive to a man? We have gathered all the wisdom and experience of the professionals at Zensual, your online sex shop, to give you all the points and steps you need to follow to get it.
Traits of a seductive woman
Sensuality has little or nothing to do with physique and more to do with personality and the way you present yourself to others. Often, we tend to believe that looks are everything and that if you don't have a perfect body you can't be sexy or sensual. On the contrary, here we explain what the main traits of a seductive woman are by giving you a series of key points that have nothing to do with your physique, but that will allow you to boost all your goods and make anyone fall in love with you.
There are few sexier aspects of a person than self-confidence, and this applies to both men and women. It is a very common situation to meet people who, even though they are not very attractive, are very flirtatious and seem to have a magnet for men. They owe all this to their self-confidence and self-assurance, to being sure of who they are and what they deserve, because confidence makes them irresistible.
When talking about the most attractive points in a man, women always talk about humour as one of the most important. On the other hand, this is rarely taken into account when we talk about sensual women, and this is a mistake! Who doesn't want to be with a funny girl, who laughs and makes you laugh? Humour is much more important than body and looks, and it keeps getting better with age.
The eyes
Women are often obsessed with how their legs, buttocks, breasts, skin or hair look. And obviously every part of the body adds to being more sensual. But sometimes we overlook one of the most important things when it comes to being irresistible: the eyes. And by the eyes we are not talking about their shape or size or something that can be changed with a bit of make-up. The eyes’ gaze is something intangible, the way we look, the sensuality of the gesture, the depth of eye contact. Do you want to know how to be more seductive to a man? Start by practising your sexy gaze.
Your moves
By moves, you might understand that we mean dancing or sexy moves when you're partying (and you're partly right). But movements are all-encompassing, yes even dancing, but also when you walk, when you talk, when you listen, when you wait... You are also in movement and they can help you to be more sensual. In part, this point is connected to that of confidence, because the way we move says a lot about our personality. A confident and sensual person moves with determination, awareness and personality. Whether you move with more or less grace, what will make you more sensual for a man is that you move with confidence.
Just because we have kept this point in sixth position on our list doesn't mean it's any less important. In fact, intelligence is something that all men and women value and is incredibly attractive. There are few things more sensual to a man than an intelligent, educated woman, with whom he can discuss any subject in depth.
No matter how much we try to get away from our nature, humans are still animals. And as animals, smell plays a very important role when it comes to choosing a sexual partner. Hormones and pheromones are detected through the nose, hence the importance of smelling good to be more sensual and to make men feel attracted to you. Good personal hygiene is essential to be more seductive, you should also choose a perfume that fits the image you want to give. Do you know how to keep a secret? At Zensual we have perfumes with pheromones designed to attract men by appealing to their most basic instincts; take a walk and choose the one that suits you best.
Give him mystery
Mystery should be your ace up your sleeve to be more seductive to a man. In the end, the game of seduction is like life itself: we are attracted to things we don't know, and what is known is harder to arouse our interest. If you remain mysterious, hard to decipher and reveal aspects of your life little by little, men will fall for your intrigue and charm.
All men like a seductive and sensual voice, but there is little we can do about the voice we have. But our voice is not only the sound that comes out of our vocal cords: volume, intonation, cadence when speaking, the words you use... All this creates a whole that you can use to your advantage to be a more seductive woman. Learn to read the moments and know when to use each tone of voice; when it's time to be sexy, when it's time to be interesting, when it's time to show your funniest side...
What do men like most about women physically?
Obviously, physique is a very important part of attraction. And if you want to be more seductive to a man, it is important to know what they like in order to enhance it. That's why below we explain what men like most about women physically:
The lips
We could say that lips are the pinnacle of sensuality, in fact, there are few physical features as sensual as well hydrated, full lips -with some colour if you want it-. If we also accompany those lips with a cheeky and cheerful smile, you will make men fall at your feet.
Hair is one of the things men like most about women. And by hair we don't mean a specific hairstyle or colour. Hair fashions change over the years, as do the preferences and tastes of each woman. It doesn't matter if you like it shorter or longer, loose or tied back, natural or dyed, the important thing is that it is healthy, well-groomed and fits your personality and the image you want to give of yourself. Being comfortable with your hair is a very important step to be at ease with yourself and to have the necessary confidence to be attractive to others.
The eyes
Whenever men are asked what they find most attractive about women, one of the most repeated answers is always the eyes. At this point, they usually talk about big, expressive eyes, which tend to be more attractive than small eyes. But as we have already mentioned, beyond the shape of the eyes themselves, the gaze is an intangible and key aspect that will undoubtedly help you to be more sensual in front of a man.
Breasts are one of the seductivel attributes par excellence, so much so, in fact, that we don't even need to put it on this list. But if we do, it is to clear up some of the myths about it. Contrary to what is often said, men are not attracted to very large or voluptuous breasts -at least not the majority-, but what provokes attraction is a bust that is proportionate to the body.
The skin is the largest organ of the human body and a sign of health and vitality. Healthy, moisturised and glowing skin is one of the things that men like most about women physically. To achieve this, a balanced diet, sufficient rest and hydration are essential. Take a look at our massage oils and creams, you are sure to discover a product that can help you get the most out of your skin.
How to be a sensual and seductive woman
Now that you know the theory and you have learned what physical and psychological aspects attract men to women, the million-dollar question comes: How to be a sensual and seductive woman, how to be sexy to make a man fall in love with you? What we have explained so far should serve you as a reference point to start getting to know yourself better, to enhance all the qualities you have, to feel confident and, finally, to succeed!
Make a list of all the points we have given you, both physical and personality, and rate yourself from 1 to 10. This will be a good way to start working on what you need to change to be more seductive. However, don't get obsessed. We are all sensual and seductive, and the way you look, walk and dress is sure to break more than one heart (although you may not realise it).
Finally, you should know that a full sex life is a spectacular tool if you want to gain confidence, self-esteem and desire from others. And if there's one thing we know about at Zensual, it's this. Take a look at our sex toys and discover new levels of pleasure that you didn't even know existed.
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